Francis Treuherz, world-renowned homeopath in London, UK, called it “one of the longest, most intense and rewarding books” he has ever read. “It should be read and studied by all: students and teachers, newly qualified and veteran homeopaths alike.” ( And in an e-mail to the author after receiving the book, he stated: “This morning’s timetable is disrupted, your book is addictive and I cannot put it down.”
And Dana Ullman, MPH, CCH, one of America’s leading advocates for homeopathy ( praised: “This book is 573 pages and is VERY reasonably priced at $34.99. – You get a LOT of good information for your money here!”
So here is some more information about
“Gentle Medicine: THE book in today’s world”:
1: Info, 2: Contents, 3: Free Preview, 4: About the Author, 5: Readers’ Opinion, 6: Book Reviews, and 0: “The Dimension of this Work” (pdf files).
In addition, two short book videos.